School Center

Energy, Environmental

Published By Itecons

School building, located in the municipality of Santarém, which is organizated in three modules. The module 1 corresponds to the Central Nucleus and it is composed for two floors where are concentrated the main general services (administrative services, kitchen, refectory, polyvalent rooms, among others). The Module 2 is occupied by the elementary school and develops in two floors of classrooms and support spaces. The 3 module, where works the kindergarten, develops in a ground floor, constituted for four rooms and support spaces. In the exterior space of the lot there are green zones, and a polyvalent game field and a car parking. In the building are consumed electrical energy in nearly all the facilities, and propane gas for the boiler and in the kitchen. In the inspection and analyze of the building were made an inventory of the constructive solutions which composes the envelope of the building, as well as the evaluation of weaknesses/constructive pathologies existing in the building. Were even evaluated the quality of the interior air, the energetic consumption with the heating system, (energetic auditing) and was made a dynamic simulation of the building. The main opportunities of improvement identified in the energetic auditing are related with the exterior shadowing by the outside of the glazed areas, in the facades more exposed to the direct solar radiation; having in consideration the capacity of accumulation of heated sanitary waters installed in the building, produced in part of the year through thermal solar panels, it is suggested the study of the viability of use these capacity to feed the dishwasher of the kitchen, allowing the reduction of the utilization of the electrical resistances during the more costly periods of the electrical tariff; and the optimization of the illumination system, interior and exterior. Through the results of the dynamic simulations it is possible to observe that, in scenarios when the building is painted with a white colour which presents a solar absorption of 0,2, the needs of heating will be about 8% superior to the initial solution. This result is owned to the fact that the reduction in the coefficient of solar absorption of the wall lead to a reduction of the heat gains by the envelope during the warming season. However, this measure is responsible for the reduction of 27,7% in the energy consumption for cooling. This way, and once that, in the building in analyze, the needs of cooling are considerable superiors to the warming needs, the impact of this measure in the total consumption energy is significant, obtaining a reduction in the annual consumption of 23%.  The correspondent scenario of the application of a green roof contributes in an irrelevant way for the reduction of the energetic needs, demonstrating only a reduction of 1,3% in the annual energy consumption. The introduction of grids to air admission in the glazed areas presents a significant reduction in the annual energy consumption (49,3%). This reduction in the consumption owns to the fact that the renovation air rate is lesser (mechanical ventilation turned off) and to the intern loads (illumination, equipments, occupation) weren’t sufficiently high to provoke the superheat of the spaces, but sufficient to reduce in 54,3% the heating needs. In the cooling season verifies, equally, a reduction in the energy consumption of 48,5%.

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  • Air quality
  • Energy audit
  • Dynamic simulation
  • Thermal behavior